Monday 24 January 2011


Just back from our first TRANSFORMING TOUCH course of the year. Fantastic students and amazing Massage. This course was a triumph for all concerned - the depth of transformational Massage being given by the last day was truly awesome....

So much more than simply releasing or lengthening the odd muscle!

It never ceases to amaze me how powerful SIMPLE TOUCH can be - especially when the practitioners are all moving like dancers...letting THEIR WHOLE BODY WEIGHT fall gracefully onto clients whose muscles just melt under the soft and slow pressure.

Like so much else in life we can get lost in our heads and become obsessed with 'busy techniques' far too easily...

But what the client really appreciates is the time to BREATHE....and for the Massage to go slow enough so that every single ripple can be FELT throughout the whole body. This is the real zone of DEEP RELEASE...

When we enter this zone, it really is the client who knows the 'What''When' and 'How' of release! All we need to do is provide THE RIGHT TOUCH and leave the real healing up to the client. After all, it is the client who must do the letting go - no matter how 'technically brilliant' the therapist is!

We saw more structural release in the space of just a few minutes on this course than the so-called 'technical experts' could produce in months of bodywork. Not only that, but the clients walked out of the session knowing who did the releasing! This is true 'client empowerment'. And we saw so much more than just structural release...

Arthritic conditions being 'turned around' literally overnight... Emotional blocks released... destructive thought patterns dissolved and abandoned.... energy blockages 'unclogged' so the 'Chi' can flow once more. This is the everyday experience of the NO HANDS practitioner because we TRUST THE BODY and we TRUST THE CLIENT.

Once you do this, everything is very easy - we just touch in the best way we know how....


So much more than simply releasing or lengthening the odd muscle!

There is so much about MASTERY in this TRANSFORMING TOUCH course - the very first we teach - that I am even thinking of making attendance of this course mandatory for anyone wanting to join Mastery in 2012... What better way to begin your year of Mastery, than to get right 'Back to Basics'.

A great big, throaty "HOO HAH!" to all the brilliant Massage therapists who attended this course- you were truly an inspiration.

Happy Massaging, fellow oilers!


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Gerry has been a full time Massage therapist and teacher for over 25 years. He also qualified as a UKCP registered Psychotherapist (TA) in 1999.

He is the creator of The NO HANDS Massage Therapy System, which is now one of the most popular Massage approaches in the UK. He has also recently launched the PSYCHOLOGY OF CHANGE, a unique new approach to making lasting change within your life. To learn more about these courses go to

1 comment:

  1. how very amazing course with amazing people.
