Saturday 11 June 2011

Massage and the Psyche

Massage can soothe the mind, right?

Is it just the nervous system receiving a massive stimulation of sensory nerves? Such a 'rush' of nerve endings firing produces the well documented release of endorphins and seratonin - the 'feel good' drugs of the human body.

There is another way of looking at this, though. The simplest way to explain it is through TA:

Transactional Analysis (TA) is based on the idea that there are three different parts of the psyche:

  • PARENT ego state
  • ADULT ego state
  • CHILD ego state

These are normally represented by circles, but I don't know how to draw circles in a blog!Anyway, the point I am trying to make is this...

The stuff that creates problems for ourselves inside our heads, often comes to us in the form of Parental Injunctions like "You bad boy. I always said you would come to a bad end!" No matter what we think in our 'Adult' ego state about the unlikely truthfulness of this statement, the fact is in our 'Child' ego state we have a part of us that may still believe this. This makes for a weakend 'Adult' and an inhibited 'Child' energy - so the 'Parent' wins and we feel bad and make bad choices in life.

The purpose of almost all healing change is to form an alliance between the 'Adult' (sane and grown up) and the 'Child' (full of creative energy) in order to withstand the repeated negative historical messages that fly through our heads from the 'Parent'.

Massage has an interesting part to play in this, I think.

Receiving 50 minutes of soothing and nurturing touch is simply heaven to the 'Child'. It builds a strong bond between the 'Child' and the 'Adult' who, after all arranged for the treatment. It also lulls the 'Parent' to sleep, 'cos it is so nice and hypnotic. This is the kind of activity that, over time, can shift the power balance within the psyche so the 'Adult' and the 'Child' can get it together and repulse the weakened messages of the 'Parent'. Energy flows away from the 'Parent' and into the 'Child' and 'Adult'. So this means the more Massage we have, the more energy we have to make life work, .

Certainly this might explain why so many regular clients of NO HANDS Massage therapists seem to make as much therapeutic change in their lives as those that see psychotherapists or analysts - without any words being spoken. With the touch being about as powerful as it can get, the 'Parent' doesn't have a chance!

If you want to see Berne himself talk about the ego states, then check this out:

happy oiling!


Gerry has been a full time Massage therapist and teacher for over 25 years. He also qualified as a UKCP registered Psychotherapist (TA) in 1999.

He is the creator of The NO HANDS Massage Therapy System, which is now one of the most popular Massage approaches in the UK. He has also recently launched the PSYCHOLOGY OF CHANGE, a unique new approach to making lasting change within your life. To learn more about these courses go to

1 comment:

  1. Great writing Gerry - a clear, simple explanation that we can all understand. In fact, it sounded so good to my child that she's nagging my adult to go book another massage!!
